![Image result for 2019 computing](https://www.ranorex.com/rx-media/rx-blog/header_serverless-computing.png)
Wow, just wow has development been changing rapidly. More & more we’re being asked to develop “on the cloud.” It’s incredibly ironic, just a few years back developers were being gobbled up by off-the-shelf companies to produce one-size-fits-all packages to be marketed via too-often unscrupulous sales-folks, that have no qualms about over-promising and under delivering. The mantra of those CIOs writing the checks was: “if it’s good enough for their other customers, it should be good enough for us.”
The zeroes on those checks have kept growing as have those technology budgets. If that indentured status fits your P&L goals, then you probably wouldn’t be reading this anyway. No, instead, VTek exists to develop custom software & integrate different packages. Therein lies the unsurprising irony.
Now that Microsoft, Amazon, and Google have built an environment where they have total control of all aspects of execution, guess what they’re promoting now? Developing to suit your needs! Just like the “old” days. Programmers may again appear that listen to user requirements and produce solutions to match. Again… like they used to, like we still do!
We’re now creating tools on all of the aforementioned platforms. We can even recommend Azure, as a very stable environment. AWS as a function rich tool-set, and Google as an up-and-coming.
If that last one surprises you, it surprised us too, but the fact is that Google’s environment has so far proven to be less reliable than the other two. We certainly don’t expect that to last for long, but if you’d like to deploy to any of those technologies we can lay out what that would look like for you. Alternately, we still know how to do things “the old fashioned way” as well.
Drop us a line.