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Charlatan Bait

Charlatan Bait

We’ve been having such a great time here working with your companies and products that we forgot there’s a blog out here that we theoretically should be updating on a somewhat regular basis in order to convince the world how smart we are! If you sense a tad bit of sarcasm in that statement you’re […]

Just “Stuck” Enough?

Bad match

This will apply to far more than the #DevOps world but let’s focus on our field for a bit here. Have you ever heard someone say: “I need this job?” Need is a strong word, and it usually means something a bit different for everyone. It could be that their new car payment “needs” this […]

When bad UI/UX betrays trust.

Hey, wow, this mobile app is so nice, big buttons, clearly labeled. What a great start into building my trust in their attention to detail, quality, and security! Let me try this thing out…. tap, tap, tap… done! Wow, that was so easy, this unnamed corporate entity sure made me a happy camper… *ring, ring* […]

10x Engineer Jokes

Shekhar Kirani

On July 11th this tweet thread started, and ever since “10x engineer” has been an ongoing topic of humor & memes on Twitter. The gripes range from what appear to be nothing more than sour grapes, to very legitimate critiques of the itemized list of attributes that follow it. I’ll try to avoid the sour […]

When Agile doesn’t work

Virtually anyone with even a casual interest in sports of any sort realize that success is about skill. Or as I like to say, skillz! Yet, again and again we see technical write-ups about the benefits of some project management formula. As though a philosophy is what creates a “killer app.” How many lines of […]

An Expensive Downgrade.

What percentage of development shops are pigeonholing their clients by their loyal adherence to their prescribed stack? Far too many. At V-Tek, we’ve found that .NET often fits quite nicely into our mostly open-source toolbox. Especially when our client already has an MS oriented product. Everything from raw library-less JavaScript, to RoR coding by convention, […]

Entrepreneurial Philanthropy

Entrepreneurial philanthropy has been really gaining momentum in the tech sector. We know in the late 90s that a start-up could dive in just for the sake of profit and if the business plan showed promise they’d acquire investors. Then the bubble popped and sent those investors looking elsewhere for revenue. Today it’s tough to […]

Hybrid Hype

After I post this article I will be switching back to my old legacy hard drive. I was afraid this would happen. When hybrid drives became available I followed the reviews obsessively, I could not wait to get one. Yet the reviews kept warning about poorly implemented firmware and erratic behavior. Then came the Seagate […]

Caught sleeping?

It’s simply wrong to think that what works on the internet today will work tomorrow. In fact, far too many people build something really great only to get left in the dust by googlebot et al. Fair or not it’s a matter of fact that if your site was #1 you must maintain that. Our […]