We’ve been having such a great time here working with your companies and products that we forgot there’s a blog out here that we theoretically should be updating on a somewhat regular basis in order to convince the world how smart we are! If you sense a tad bit of sarcasm in that statement you’re […]
Data Wisdom
The year was 2005 & I had had some excellent results predicting future news stories, trends, etc… & monetizing them. Of course being a programmer I did this programmatically. Microsoft, Google, & Yahoo were all paying me. Paying me to pollute the internet. It would be many years before they’d assert more control & frankly […]
Cutting Edge vs. Bleeding Edge
The 21st Century has brought with it some amazing tools for programmers. However as many developers have gathered decades of experience a divide is forming between generations that can be challenging to navigate. Once a technologist, plumber, carpenter, or mechanic has their preferred “tool-set” it can become difficult for them to introduce new tools because […]
When bad UI/UX betrays trust.
Hey, wow, this mobile app is so nice, big buttons, clearly labeled. What a great start into building my trust in their attention to detail, quality, and security! Let me try this thing out…. tap, tap, tap… done! Wow, that was so easy, this unnamed corporate entity sure made me a happy camper… *ring, ring* […]
The Unicorn Project, another must read f...
“One day, she is approached by a ragtag bunch of misfits who say they want to overthrow the existing order, to liberate developers, to bring joy back to technology work, and to enable the business to win in a time of digital disruption. To her surprise, she finds herself drawn ever further into this movement, […]
2015, Marty McFly, and Programming.
Lots of internet posts, memes, and even videos have appeared to lament the missed predictions for 2015 from Back to the Future. However, one thing is for certain, we’ve seen a lot of other predictions come true. We may not have a hover-board that will allow us to cruise across ponds, but we’ve got some […]
Adaptation, on the origin of the integra...
For more than two years I’ve witnessed firsthand the evolution of healthcare via skunk works in Southern Colorado. The concept seemed simple enough. The need to coordinate care for clients between multiple agencies. With enough familiarity with the local resources that are available to guide, to “navigate”, to council medicaid members through their care decisions […]
An Expensive Downgrade.
What percentage of development shops are pigeonholing their clients by their loyal adherence to their prescribed stack? Far too many. At V-Tek, we’ve found that .NET often fits quite nicely into our mostly open-source toolbox. Especially when our client already has an MS oriented product. Everything from raw library-less JavaScript, to RoR coding by convention, […]
Entrepreneurial Philanthropy
Entrepreneurial philanthropy has been really gaining momentum in the tech sector. We know in the late 90s that a start-up could dive in just for the sake of profit and if the business plan showed promise they’d acquire investors. Then the bubble popped and sent those investors looking elsewhere for revenue. Today it’s tough to […]