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Microsoft PubCenter Omen?

PubCenter for Content

It is true that there are a few web publishers that have the ability to put Microsoft’s PubCenter ads on their websites. We have seen the interface ourselves, and have come to learn a bit about it. For the last few years Microsoft has not allowed new users to access this function and rumor has […]

Holiday Tech

I’m probably the worst choice for writing this article, but my raving at the office about my kid’s new Xbox 360 landed me the task. First let me say that Happy Action Theater for the Kinect is just plain fun for all ages. That is what I have raved about, is the fantastic sense of […]

iPhone 5 predictions.

The iPhone is selling below expectation, but that doesn’t mean much. Since when does expectation not follow an indefinite upward trend? Investors know that indefinite upward trends don’t exists. As usuall they limited their initial production batch. So they “sell-out” even when sales are below expectations. That’s just good marketing. 5,000,000 is a lot of […]

Patents and Copyrights

This has been a popular topic in the past, and since we love hate mail, and since I happen to be reading “The Fatal Conceit” by Hayek, I thought I’d bring up the issue yet again. Perhaps you remember the article January about SOPA where we posted this great video: When I stumbled on this […]



Please click the image on the right and submit the petition! I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to vote “no” on cloture for S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act, on Jan. 24th. The PROTECT IP Act is dangerous, ineffective, and short-sighted. It does not deserve floor consideration. […]

Are you a Monoglot?

Technology is like a religion for some. If it ain’t in their language it must “suck”. We may be able to thank headhunters and job descriptions for this unnecessary level of specialization. Jobs often come with a laundry list of specific required skills and those specific skills are either the result of a monoglot project […]

Has Science Died?

“The present boastfulness of the expounders and the gullibility of the listeners alike violate that critical spirit which is supposedly the hallmark of science.” —Jacques Barzun, Science: the glorious entertainment Being an avid, albeit amateur, physics aficionado, I watched with great interest as the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded. I read the summary findings, […]

Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO

This took nearly 2 years longer than we expected, however Steve Jobs has finally just resigned. Preliminary reports from back in January made it clear that his health problems were not a thing of the past, however the big test has arrived. Is Apple a cult of personality, and does the share lock down from […]