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Anti-innovation Hostility

The bureaucracy heavy & politically active technological environment of the 21st century has produced unprecedented anti-innovation hostility. A few years back we referenced this old article from Bloomberg so rather than get much more verbose I’ll just leave this here: And this one… “…and consistently the MBAs do worse than every other group of participants. […]

Perhaps the Most Valuable Rare Commodity

If you arrived here looking for a sure bet investment, read on. If you are here looking for insight into software development, read on. If you know nothing about the software development sector then I don’t know how/why you are here but feel free to read on also. re·fine riˈfīn/ verb remove impurities or unwanted […]

Yet Another Use for PHP

A recent project found us integrating an online SaaS with a MSSQL Order Entry system. The SaaS system used the hideous SOAP protocol, but PHP’s SoapClient class made quick work of that. “Unless you have a definitive reason to use SOAP use REST.” The order entry system followed Microsoft’s version of the development bible and […]

Scapegoating The Telecommuters

Recently Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer admitted the potential incompetence of corporate middle-management but – as is usually the case in corporate America – she held the wrong people responsible. She claimed that telecommuters are “unproductive”. To which I’d ask a question, are they the only ones that are “unproductive”? Did she actually compare telecommuters to […]

Holiday Tech

I’m probably the worst choice for writing this article, but my raving at the office about my kid’s new Xbox 360 landed me the task. First let me say that Happy Action Theater for the Kinect is just plain fun for all ages. That is what I have raved about, is the fantastic sense of […]

Patents and Copyrights

This has been a popular topic in the past, and since we love hate mail, and since I happen to be reading “The Fatal Conceit” by Hayek, I thought I’d bring up the issue yet again. Perhaps you remember the article January about SOPA where we posted this great video: When I stumbled on this […]



Please click the image on the right and submit the petition! I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to vote “no” on cloture for S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act, on Jan. 24th. The PROTECT IP Act is dangerous, ineffective, and short-sighted. It does not deserve floor consideration. […]

Are you a Monoglot?

Technology is like a religion for some. If it ain’t in their language it must “suck”. We may be able to thank headhunters and job descriptions for this unnecessary level of specialization. Jobs often come with a laundry list of specific required skills and those specific skills are either the result of a monoglot project […]