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Holiday Tech

I’m probably the worst choice for writing this article, but my raving at the office about my kid’s new Xbox 360 landed me the task. First let me say that Happy Action Theater for the Kinect is just plain fun for all ages. That is what I have raved about, is the fantastic sense of […]

iPhone 5 predictions.

The iPhone is selling below expectation, but that doesn’t mean much. Since when does expectation not follow an indefinite upward trend? Investors know that indefinite upward trends don’t exists. As usuall they limited their initial production batch. So they “sell-out” even when sales are below expectations. That’s just good marketing. 5,000,000 is a lot of […]

Google’s Monopoly

google desperate

We’ve discussed this before and will likely discuss it again. Google. Google is again being scrutinized concerning their business practices. Anyone who has worked hard to generate significant search engine optimization for a client will know that Google keeps it a moving target. Their motto is “Don’t be evil.” However that hardly qualifies as verifiable […]

Windows 8 Impressions

I began this article with plans to have at Microsoft for the same reasons I had at Apple on OSX Lion. Dragging desktop interfaces down to the level of mobile devices is an absurd strategy. However, Microsoft has been accused for years of lacking ingenuity. However upon reviewing the tidbits available on Windows 8 I’m […]

Brave Predictions

android and flash

Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen announced at the D9 conference yesterday that “Android will overtake iPad just like it did the iPhone.” You may remember roughly a year ago when we mentioned that Apple’s decision to block Adobe Flash on the Mac would prove fatal to it’s longevity, well perhaps that one thing will not, but […]

More FUD from internet “reporters”.

Example #1: Is Honeycomb Android’s Vista? Wow, ZDnet, how much did you get paid to run that article? Especially since the supported devices can be counted on 1 hand and the major player is the Xoom that really has had it’s own problems taking on the iPad. Any commentary on the matter is premature at best, […]

Apple again throwing stones, from a glas...

So, Apple wants us to believe that Samsung threw together, within the period of almost exactly 1 month, an iPhone copy that just happened to be also packed full of superior parts? That is one big complement to Samsung. While it appears that rumors of the Samsung F700 being demonstrated in 2006 are not accurate, […]