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OSX Lion Preview Review

Here’s a quick summary of about 30 minutes with OSX Lion (© Apple): 1. Little “lights” under icons in dock were by default turned off in Lion (© Apple). 2. Smaller control buttons on the windows. 3. There is a new link in the dock called “launchpad” that makes your desktop look just like an iPhone/iPad […]

Firefox 4 vs. Internet Explorer 9 vs. Ch...

ie vs ff vs chrome

I hope you will welcome my contributions to the V-Tek blog, this is my first post. As a project manager here at VeraciTek I am always trying to polish my fluency with the latest technologies. The browser war being one of the most relevant to my job. Microsoft recognized very early that building the browser […]

More FUD from internet “reporters”.

Example #1: Is Honeycomb Android’s Vista? Wow, ZDnet, how much did you get paid to run that article? Especially since the supported devices can be counted on 1 hand and the major player is the Xoom that really has had it’s own problems taking on the iPad. Any commentary on the matter is premature at best, […]

Microsoft Market Share 87.5%, that’s HUG

In an article entitled “Apple crushes forecasts again…” the Reuters “reporters” rely almost entirely on the words of one Tim Cook, who just happens to be Chief Operating Officer of… you guessed it, Apple. On the same day, Intel’s PR department was explaining that there had been some strong purchasing in the past quarters and current numbers […]

Apple again throwing stones, from a glas...

So, Apple wants us to believe that Samsung threw together, within the period of almost exactly 1 month, an iPhone copy that just happened to be also packed full of superior parts? That is one big complement to Samsung. While it appears that rumors of the Samsung F700 being demonstrated in 2006 are not accurate, […]

PLI the interface of Web 3.0.

While it may be tempting to clam that Toys “R” Us is precisely where iPads belong, here we will beg to differ. While these machines are certainly capable of being entertainment items the world still has yet to fully realize what Bill Gates’ form factor idea will finally contribute to the work place. Bill Gates […]