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Just “Stuck” Enough?

Bad match

This will apply to far more than the #DevOps world but let’s focus on our field for a bit here. Have you ever heard someone say: “I need this job?” Need is a strong word, and it usually means something a bit different for everyone. It could be that their new car payment “needs” this […]

Three hour tour

Three hour tour

Hi gurus, if you haven’t read The Phoenix Project yet I hope this tips you over the top. This book makes a tremendous contribution to the Agile/Lean/DevOps movements & articulates most of the challenges we’ve experienced in the world of technology. You may have to Google “Gilligan’s Island” to understand the context of this, but […]

When Agile doesn’t work

Virtually anyone with even a casual interest in sports of any sort realize that success is about skill. Or as I like to say, skillz! Yet, again and again we see technical write-ups about the benefits of some project management formula. As though a philosophy is what creates a “killer app.” How many lines of […]