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Scapegoating The Telecommuters

Recently Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer admitted the potential incompetence of corporate middle-management but – as is usually the case in corporate America – she held the wrong people responsible. She claimed that telecommuters are “unproductive”. To which I’d ask a question, are they the only ones that are “unproductive”? Did she actually compare telecommuters to […]

Hybrid Hype

After I post this article I will be switching back to my old legacy hard drive. I was afraid this would happen. When hybrid drives became available I followed the reviews obsessively, I could not wait to get one. Yet the reviews kept warning about poorly implemented firmware and erratic behavior. Then came the Seagate […]

Fancy Frameworks and Trendy Tech

I wonder if in a few years coding to spec will come back in style and I’ll have to start wearing skinny jeans and using a Mac. I kinda hope not. Coding to spec instead of trying to fit the spec into a subset of pre-existing modules is a nice niche. MVC and such are […]