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12 Steps to Better Backups.

Best Backup Solution

Windows Backup sucks. This is just a fact. For years we have come up with creative solutions to get around the buggy mess that used to be called NT Backup and is now in Windows 7 as Windows Backup and Restore. If you have a fresh install of Windows 7 or Server 2008 and are enjoying […]

Sony failed, Apple failed, why?

The world of software development is not too unique. Just like building a house, the skills of the developers involved will affect the end result in ways that may take quite some time to determine. Did that door jam go crooked? How about those windows, open it 5 times and does it break? We have […]

Court Cases and IT

Bedrock Computer Technologies, LLC v. Softlayer Technologies, Inc. et al (Source Article) Please someone intervene here! Old lawyers in long robes, requiring corporations that use Open Source software to prove themselves innocent of infringing on patents that should have never been allowed to be issued. As we’ve mentioned before, software programs are built on top […]

Apple again throwing stones, from a glas...

So, Apple wants us to believe that Samsung threw together, within the period of almost exactly 1 month, an iPhone copy that just happened to be also packed full of superior parts? That is one big complement to Samsung. While it appears that rumors of the Samsung F700 being demonstrated in 2006 are not accurate, […]

Apple Products

Being something of a country boy I’ve never had much use for fancy stuff. Fancy makes a great hick word for things that cost more than they should because of their fad premium or people who prefer such things. Apple products are just too fancy. There are definitely people technical enough to make an argument […]