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Three hour tour

Three hour tour

Hi gurus, if you haven’t read The Phoenix Project yet I hope this tips you over the top. This book makes a tremendous contribution to the Agile/Lean/DevOps movements & articulates most of the challenges we’ve experienced in the world of technology. You may have to Google “Gilligan’s Island” to understand the context of this, but […]

When Agile doesn’t work

Virtually anyone with even a casual interest in sports of any sort realize that success is about skill. Or as I like to say, skillz! Yet, again and again we see technical write-ups about the benefits of some project management formula. As though a philosophy is what creates a “killer app.” How many lines of […]

file_get_contents(‘php://input’) blank,

If you’re pulling out your hair about why you can’t process posted payload data to your php script you may be getting 301 redirected by Apache even though you didn’t ask it to. Try this in your .htaccess: DirectorySlash Off RewriteRule ^(nameOfDirectoryYoureTryingToGet|another|another)$ $1/index.php The first line stops the redirect, but, depending on your host, you […]


Remote Development plugin for VSCode. We hit this error on one of the recent updates & tried downgrading, which didn’t work because the plugin got corrupted. We got it working by upgrading back to the current version, removing the plugin (make sure you open a workspace that isn’t using it before you uninstall), downgrading to […]

Develop “The Cloud” 2019

Develop “The Cloud” 2019

Wow, just wow has development been changing rapidly. More & more we’re being asked to develop “on the cloud.” It’s incredibly ironic, just a few years back developers were being gobbled up by off-the-shelf companies to produce one-size-fits-all packages to be marketed via too-often unscrupulous sales-folks, that have no qualms about over-promising and under delivering. […]

Anti-innovation Hostility

The bureaucracy heavy & politically active technological environment of the 21st century has produced unprecedented anti-innovation hostility. A few years back we referenced this old article from Bloomberg so rather than get much more verbose I’ll just leave this here: And this one… “…and consistently the MBAs do worse than every other group of participants. […]

Perhaps the Most Valuable Rare Commodity

If you arrived here looking for a sure bet investment, read on. If you are here looking for insight into software development, read on. If you know nothing about the software development sector then I don’t know how/why you are here but feel free to read on also. re·fine riˈfīn/ verb remove impurities or unwanted […]